

生活中的社會認同理論 社會認同理論決定了一個人在日常生活中的許多行為。 對特定群體的認同在很大程度上受到社交媒體、社交聯繫人或社交網路成員、電視以及日常生活經驗的影響。一旦一個人發現自己的想法、信仰和其他與之相關的人,或者覺得自己可以為之提供地位或權力,他們就會開始將自己的身份認同與該特定群體聯繫起來(Turner,1975 年)。 無論是在這些群體中還是在整個群體中,個人都有提高自己社會地位的動機。提高社會地位的動機可以歸納為日常生活中表現出來的三種策略(Van Bezouw, van der Toorn, &...

精神再育  用愛治癒自己

精神再育 用愛治癒自己

當正念和慈悲觸及我們受傷的心靈時,它們能夠重塑我們的大腦,解放我們的精神。本講座探討了我們如何被困在不值得和不可愛的恍惚感中,以及如何通過明智的關注,深刻地改變我們與內心生活的關係。註:本講座是在 2024 年 4 月舉行的為期 5 天的 "心無雜念 "住宿靜修會上發表的。 Source...

How to Stop Procrastinating With 25 Tools

How to Stop Procrastinating With 25 Tools

6 Ways to Motivate a Procrastinator Motivating a procrastinator involves working with them to identify their underlying reasons for procrastination and helping them address those factors. This often involves overcoming fear-based procrastination factors, which...

冥想:通過內在身體覺醒(21:56 分鐘)

冥想:通過內在身體覺醒(21:56 分鐘)

當我們調整內在身體時,我們會發現一個能量和活力的領域,它是通往純粹存在的入口。這段冥想引導我們關注內在的身體,向聲音的遊戲敞開大門,並邀請我們在清醒的意識中休息,這種意識包括這個生命世界,也是這個世界的基礎。 網站圖片來源:Janet Merrick視頻圖片來源:Paul Van de Riet Source...

Halo Effect: Why We Judge a Book by Its Cover

Even though we may consider ourselves logical and rational, it appears we are easily biased by a single incident or individual characteristic (Nicolau, Mellinas, & Martín, 2022). The 『halo effect』 recognizes that scoring someone or something highly on one aspect...



許多人都熟悉達利喇嘛說過的一句話:"我的宗教信仰是仁慈"。在這次對話中,你將感受到我們這些掙扎的人類學會彼此珍惜的艱難而真實的方式。我們談論界限與慈悲之間的關係;我們內心深處不可動搖的善良;我們如何彼此相屬,以及判斷如何產生於妄想,並使我們看不到這種相屬的祝福。 格雷格-博伊爾神父是美國天主教耶穌會神父。他是世界上最大的幫派干預和康復計劃 "Homeboy Industries "的創始人和主任,著有多本書籍,包括《心靈上的紋身》、《向唱詩班吠叫》以及將於 2023 年出版的《整個語言》:奢侈溫柔的力量》。...

Confirmation Bias: Seeing What We Want to Believe

Believe it or not, we can』t always trust what we see or hear. It seems our memory is influenced by our expectations (Eysenk & Keane, 2015). Confirmation bias is a widely recognized phenomenon and refers to our tendency to seek out evidence in line with our...

How to Let Go & Why It』s So Important for Wellbeing

How to Let Go & Why It』s So Important for Wellbeing

What Is Letting Go? Letting go is a spiritual and/or psychological process that requires relinquishing or lessening our attachment to outcomes, desires, and expectations and accepting what is. At its core lies the concept of nonattachment, a principle that is central...

Taming Temper Tantrums: Behavior Management for Toddlers

Taming Temper Tantrums: Behavior Management for Toddlers

Understanding Temper Tantrums and Other Behavior Problems Children are always changing, as are their more difficult behaviors. And so, it』s helpful to distinguish the temper tantrums of toddlers from the problem behavior of older children. Toddler tantrums Temper...

Learning Disabilities: 9 Types, Symptoms & Tests

Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stalone, Thomas Edison, and Keanu Reeves. What do all of these individuals have in common? They have all been diagnosed with a learning disability. What are learning disabilities, and how can these people be successful...

Guiding With Warmth and Firmness

Guiding With Warmth and Firmness

What Does the Research Say? Authoritative parenting has a positive impact on the wellbeing and development of the child, and research even suggests it is the ideal parenting style, providing healthy child adjustment to existing and future environments (Sanvictores...